Heavy Dark Matter Could Break the Standard Model, New Research Shows
Heavy dark matter might disrupt current physics models, potentially changing our understanding of the universe. Heavy dark matter has raised…
Scientists Uncover New Hidden Process That May Explain Earthquake Triggers
New research reveals how slow-moving stress can trigger sudden earthquakes by building up energy Cracks start with a slow, aseismic…
Chimpanzees’ Task Performance Improves With Human Audience, Study Finds
Chimpanzees perform better on complex tasks when observed by humans, study finds. Chimpanzee Pal doing task type 3 Chimpanzees have…
Do Voice Assistants Like Alexa Help Alleviate Loneliness in the Elderly?
Researchers explore the potential of voice assistants to combat loneliness in older adults. Scientists studied if voice assistants can reduce…
Prolonged Standing Poses Circulatory Health Risks, Study Suggests
Prolonged standing without breaks can lead to circulatory issues, research shows. Standing desks Standing desks have become a popular alternative…
Human Sense of Smell Detects Scent Changes Faster Than Previously Thought, Study Finds
Study reveals the human sense of smell works faster than previously understood, detecting scent changes within milliseconds. New research has…